As a customer and cooperation with Akdiba company, this company considers certain guarantees and rules for cooperation with you. In the following, we describe the general guarantees of cooperation with Akdiba company:

1. Product quality: Akdiba company supports high quality and valid standards for its products and makes every effort to provide quality and original products to customers.

2. Refund: If the products delivered from Akdiba are not of good quality or do not match the descriptions provided on Akdiba’s website, you can return the money within a certain period of time (determined by Akdiba). Or change the product.

3. Customer support: Akdiba company attaches great importance to customer support and responds and guides in case of any problems or questions regarding orders, payment, shipping and other issues related to purchase.

4. Trust and privacy: Akdiba company supports the trust and privacy of its customers and uses customer information confidentially and in compliance with relevant laws.

5. After-sales support: Akdiba company also provides after-sales support after delivery of orders, and if

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